
shearing surface中文什么意思

发音:   用"shearing surface"造句
  • 剪切面
  • shear:    vt.,vi. (sheared, 〔古语〕 shore ...
  • surface:    n. 1.表面;地面;水面;广场,空地。 2.外观,外表 ...
  • concentric shearing surface:    同心切变面
  • elliptic shearing surface:    椭圆剪切面
  • shearing:    刮布; 剪断; 剪毛; 剪切,剪割; 剪取的羊毛; 剪羊毛; 切变; 切断加工; 切割; 直立截槽法
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  1. Bedding - plane shear surface
  2. Steel cutting surface or shear surface should have no cracks , slag , stratification and the lack of greater than 1 mm prism
    钢材切割面或剪切面应无裂纹、夹渣、分层和大于1 ?的缺棱。
  3. To avoid this problem , the authors improved the equipment of lab large - scale direct shear tests and developed a special new one which overcame the disadvantages of normal equipment , made the result more accurate and could be used to analyze the shear surface and dilatability of the mixture



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  7. shearing test 什么意思
  8. shearing test for fillet welded joint 什么意思
  9. shearing theory 什么意思
  10. shearing traction 什么意思


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